Welcome to the Kal-Haven Heritage Trail Website

To use the site while on the trail please make sure your device's GPS feature is active (turned on).
Small blue dot. Indicates your current location
Small yellow dot. Indicates a "Heritage Site"
You may access the "Site" information from any location by tapping the site icon. The tool clusters sites that are close together into a single icon. Clicking on it will allow you to browse through the clustered sites:
Two boxes show features that allow you to navigate heritage site clusters. The first box indicates the number of heritage sites in a cluster. A web link allows you to zoom into the map. Another web link allows you to 'browse features' and opens a second box. The second box contains the name of the heritage site, a 'zoom to' and 'view summary' web link. Also, in this box an advance arrow and exit 'x' are in the upper right corner.
The "Imagery/Streets" button will toggle between the street map and satellite imagery. You may "pinch and spread" to zoom the map to the desired level or use the '+' and '-' buttons. You may "drag" the map to other locations. Tapping the 'O' icon will return the map to your current location.
You can also bypass the map and access the trail site information pages directly.
Funding for this site was provided by the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund.
Check out the website for the Friends of the Kal-Haven Trail for news and events about the trail.