Rating of Water Quality |
Overall, how would you rate the quality of the water in your area? |
Your Opinions |
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the statements below. |
Water Impairments |
Below is a list of water pollutants and conditions that are generally present in water bodies to some extent. The pollutants and conditions become a problem when present in excessive amounts. In your opinion, how much of a problem are the following water impairments in your area? |
Sources of Water Pollution |
The items listed below are sources of water quality pollution across the country. In your opinion, how much of a problem are the following sources in your area? |
Consequences of Poor Water Quality |
Poor water quality can lead to a variety of consequences for communities. In your opinion, how much of a problem are the following issues in your area? |
Practices to Improve Water Quality |
Please indicate which statement most accurately describes your level of experience with each practice listed below. |
Making Decisions for my Property |
In general, how much does each issue limit your ability to change your management practices? |
Information Sources |
People get information about water quality from a number of different sources. To what extent do you trust those listed below as a source of information about soil and water? |
Thank You |
1. Please use the space below for any additional comments about this survey or water resources in your community.