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Honey Creek 2020 Survey

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Rating of Water Quality
Overall, how would you rate the quality of the water in your area?
Poor Okay Good Don't Know
1. For canoeing / kayaking / other boating
2. For eating locally caught fish
3. For swimming
4. For picnicking and family activities
5. For fish habitat
6. For scenic beauty
Your Water Resources
1. Of these activities, which is the most important to you?
For canoeing / kayaking / other boating
For eating locally caught fish
For swimming
For picnicking and family activities
For fish habitat
For scenic beauty
2. Do you know where the rain water goes when it runs off of your property?
3. If you answered 'Yes' above, where does your rain water drain to?
Your Opinions
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the statements below.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
1. The way that I care for my lawn and yard can influence water quality in local streams and lakes.
2. It is my personal responsibility to help protect water quality.
3. It is important to protect water quality even if it slows economic development.
4. My actions have an impact on water quality.
5. I would be willing to pay more to improve water quality (for example: though local taxes or fees)
6. I would be willing to change the way I care for my lawn and yard to improve water quality.
7. I would be willing to change management practices to improve water quality.
8. The quality of life in my community depends on good water quality in local streams, rivers and lakes.
Water Impairments
Below is a list of water pollutants and conditions that are generally present in water bodies to some extent. The pollutants and conditions become a problem when present in excessive amounts. In your opinion, how much of a problem are the following water impairments in your area?
Not a Problem Slight Problem Moderate Problem Severe Problem Don't Know
1. Sedimentation (dirt and soil) in the water
2. Phosphorus
3. Bacteria and viruses in the water (such as E.coli / coliform)
4. Toxic materials in the water
5. Cloudiness of the water
6. Algae in the water
7. Not enough oxygen in the water
8. Invasive aquatic plants and animals
9. Habitat alteration harming local fish
10. Pesticides
Sources of Water Pollution
The items listed below are sources of water quality pollution across the country. In your opinion, how much of a problem are the following sources in your area?
Not a Problem Slight Problem Moderate Problem Severe Problem Don't Know
1. Grass clippings and leaves entering storm drains
2. Improperly maintained septic systems
3. Manure from farm animals
4. Stormwater runoff from rooftops and/or parking lots
5. Stormwater runoff from streets and/or highways
6. Droppings from geese, ducks and other waterfowl
7. Waste material from pets
8. Urban stormwater runoff
9. Residential stormwater runoff
10. Illegal hook-ups for urban runoff
11. Septic disposal
12. Waste storage/storage tank leaks (above ground)
13. Waste storage/storage tank leaks (underground)
14. Wildlife
Consequences of Poor Water Quality
Poor water quality can lead to a variety of consequences for communities. In your opinion, how much of a problem are the following issues in your area?
Not a Problem Slight Problem Moderate Problem Severe Problem Don't Know
1. Contaminated drinking water
2. Contaminated fish
3. High drinking water treatment costs
4. Reduced beauty of lakes or streams
5. Reduced opportunities for water recreation
6. Excessive aquatic plants or algae
7. Lower property values
Practices to Improve Water Quality
Please indicate which statement most accurately describes your level of experience with each practice listed below.
Not relevant for my property Never heard of it Somewhat familiar with it Know how to use it; not using it Currently use it
1. Use a mulching lawn mower
2. Keep grass clippings and leaves out of the roads, ditches, and gutters
3. Add tank additives to a septic system
4. Add tank cleaners to a septic system
5. Inspect septic system for size and condition
6. Establish grass cover for septic system
7. Not planting trees and shrubs over septic system
Specific Constraints of Practices
Regular Septic System Servicing: Having septic system thoroughly cleaned every 3-5 years to remove all the sludge, effluent and scum from the tank.
1. How familiar are you with this practice?
Not relevant
Never heard of it
Somewhat familiar with it
Know how to use it; not using it
Currently use it
2. If the practice is not relevant, please explain why.
3. Are you willing to try this practice?
Yes or already do
How much do the following factors limit your ability to implement this practice?
Not at all A little Some A lot Don't Know
4. Don't know how to do it
5. Time required
6. Cost
7. The features of my property make it difficult
8. Insufficient proof of water quality benefit
9. Desire to keep things the way they are
10. Physical or health limitations
11. Hard to use with my farming system
12. Lack of equipment
Proper Pet Waste Disposal (including horses): Disposing of pet waste in a manner that prevents runoff to local waterways.
13. How familiar are you with this practice?
Not relevant
Never heard of it
Somewhat familiar with it
Know how to use it; not using it
Currently use it
14. If the practice is not relevant, please explain why.
15. Are you willing to try this practice?
Yes or already do
How much do the following factors limit your ability to implement this practice?
Not at all A little Some A lot Don't Know
16. Don't know how to do it
17. Time required
18. Cost
19. The features of my property make it difficult
20. Insufficient proof of water quality benefit
21. Desire to keep things the way they are
22. Physical or health limitations
23. Hard to use with my farming system
24. Lack of equipment
Making Decisions for my Property
In general, how much does each issue limit your ability to change your management practices?
Not at all A little Some A lot Don't Know
1. Personal out-of-pocket expense
2. Lack of government funds for cost share
3. My own physical abilities
4. Lack of available information about a practice
5. No one else I know is implementing the practice
6. Approval of my neighbors
7. Don't know where to get information and/or assistance about those practices
8. Environmental damage caused by practice
9. Legal restrictions on my property
10. I do not own the property
11. Concerns about resale value
12. The need to learn new skills or techniques
About You
1. Do you make the home and lawn care decisions in your household?
2. What is your gender?
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest grade in school you have completed?
Some formal schooling
High school diploma/GED
Some college
2 year college degree
4 year college degree
Post-graduate degree
5. What is the approximate size of your residential lot?
1/4 acre or less
More than 1/4 acre but less than 1 acre
1 acre to less than 5 acres
5 acres or more
6. Do you own or rent your home?
7. How long have you lived at your current residence (years)?
8. Which of the following best describes where you live?
In a town, village, or city
In an isolated, rural, non-farm residence
Rural subdivision or development
On a farm
9. What is your ethnicity?
African American
American Indian
Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander
10. Where are you likely to seek information about water quality issues?
Newsletters/brochure/fact sheet
Conversations with others
None of the above
11. Do you regularly read a local newspaper?
Information Sources
People get information about water quality from a number of different sources. To what extent do you trust those listed below as a source of information about soil and water?
Not at all Slightly Moderately Very much Am not familiar
1. Local watershed project
2. Soil and Water Conservation District
3. Local government
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
5. University Extension
6. State environmental agency
7. Environmental groups
8. Local community leader
9. Neighbors / friends
10. Other landowners / friends
11. State natural resources agency
12. County Health department
13. Land trust
Septic Systems
1. Do you have a septic system?
Don't Know
2. If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, in what year was it installed?
3. Within the last five years, have you had any of the following problems? (Check all that apply)-
Slow drains
Sewage backup in house
Bad smells near tank or drain field
Sewage on the surface
Sewage flowing to ditch
Frozen septic
Don't know
4. In the future, would you like a reminder from your local health department regarding inspection/maintenance of your septic system?
Don't know
5. Do you have a garbage disposal?
Yes, I use it daily
Yes, I use it occasionally
Yes, but I don't use it
6. Does your septic system have an absorption field ( finger system )?
Don't know
7. How would you know if your septic system was NOT working properly? (Check all that apply)
Slow drains
Sewage backup in house
Bad smells
Toilet backs up
Wet spots in lawn
Pumping tank monthly or more
Straight pipe to ditch
Frozen septic
Don't know
8. Is your septic system designed to treat sewage or get rid of waste?
Treat sewage
Get rid of waste
Don't know
9. Do you think a local government agency should handle inspection and maintenance of septic systems?
Don't Know
Thank You
1. Please use the space below for any additional comments about this survey or water resources in your community.

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